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Your opportunities at

Name DurationPlacementPrice
Classified ad sectionClassified ad section
Standard advertisement1 yearIn the national and the regional classified ads section210,00 €
Premium advertisement4 weeksTop with a large picture in the national and the regional classified ads section130,00 €
Title advertisement4 weeksOn the homepage with a large picture and right at the top in the national and in the regional classified ads section350,00 €
Urgent advertisement1 dayAt the top centre of the homepage and in the urgent classified ad section15,00 €
News1 weekIn the centre of the homepage with an individual new headline100,00 €
Banner locationsBanner locations
City tip2 weeksLarge and eye catching banner at the top in the ads section of a chosen city.150,00 €
Regional Banner1 weekStatic crossbanner in a region in the advertising market100,00 €
Banners all regions 11 weekStatic horizontal banner position 1 under “All regions” in the national market150,00 €
Title banner1 weekExclusive banner on homepage above title advertisements250,00 €
Highlight4 weeksAt the top right of the homepage as an eye-catching, changing banner as well as in the national and regional classified ad section550,00 €
Tip of the week1 weekAt the top left of the homepage as an exclusive, static banner400,00 €
Updates to all advertisements are regularly requested. All prices are inclusive of VAT, effective from february 2024, subject to price changes and printing errorsUpdates to all advertisements are regularly requested. All prices are inclusive of VAT, effective from february 2024, subject to price changes and printing errors

Detailed information on your advertising options on is available in our advertising section

Acceptance of advertisements: 069-42085-209 or write us an email
If you are interested in other products such as advertising materials,,, LadiesStars, – please contact our salesteam at +49-69-42085-1634 or +49-69-42085-2611 or by email