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Dolce Vita - Cute ladies wanted

5142 Eggelsberg (A)
2 Locations
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Job listings
Available jobs:
Job in a team 
Club address:
Nightclub with rooms 
for sexworker:
Lady, Call girl, Regular lady, Beginner 
House features
in existence since:
10 years
Job requirements
Candidate’s background:
Region, Germany, EU country, international, with valid documents 
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Our two Dolce Vita houses have been known in the beautiful Salzburger Land / Upper Austria for 10 years. We are always looking for new faces, international women with EU papers are also welcome. We take care of your registration, insurance etc. We would also be happy to pick you up from Salzburg train station. Whether in the cozy bar of the night club or in one of our tasteful rooms, you will simply feel good. Room service every day from 2 p.m. - no day off! Everything else and appointments like by phone or email
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Job listings
Available jobs:
Job in a team 
Club address:
Nightclub with rooms 
for sexworker:
Lady, Call girl, Regular lady, Beginner 
House features
in existence since:
10 years
Job requirements
Candidate’s background:
Region, Germany, EU country, international, with valid documents 
Working days:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 
House services
Pick up from railway station / airport 
Live-in option:
Save as favourite
5142 Eggelsberg (A)
2 Locations
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